is the partnership of organisations working together to improve the lives of those who live and work in Northern Devon and to plan for the future of the area.

Our vision

The Vision of the Partnership is that by 2050 Northern Devon is healthy, prosperous, and sustainable, recognised for its aspiration, innovation, and ability to get things done. A place where all are able to succeed and no one is left behind.

Northern Devon has long argued that it needs to be able to advocate, lobby and manage programmes that meet the different needs of the north of the County and that, too often, policies and programmes are either designed holistically for all Devon or, worse, focus more on issues facing the southern part of the County.

Futures is an opportunity for the Northern Devon Voice to come together to influence thinking to ensure the very real and often different issues faced by residents in Northern Devon can be heard and addressed. There are five action groups that work towards the progress of the Northern Devon Futures strategy:

View action groups

Principal leads

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